Are you a sleep deprived mama who is obsessed with sleeping? Take this fun test to find out!
Do you fantasize about being Disney princess Sleeping Beauty?
Do you keep a score of how many hours of sleep you are getting in every 24hr period?
Do you feel like no matter how much sleep you do get, it’s never enough?
Do you stay in your pj’s all day hoping to jump into bed as soon as babies are napping?
Do you keep your bed un-made so it’s ready for you at any time?
Do you nap as soon as the babies are sleeping and then feel upset they didn’t sleep longer when they wake up (even though it was a good length nap for their age)?
Do you put them down for their nap or bedtime early so you can go to sleep sooner, even if they protest because they aren’t actually tired yet?
Do you wake up in the morning longing for bedtime before you even get out of bed?
Do you spend way too much time thinking about how much sleep you used to get pre-baby?
Do you spend all your waking moments thinking about how to get your babies to nap longer or more often?
Do you need coffee to get through the day but not want to drink it because it will keep you from being able to sleep once the babies are napping or in bed?
Do you turn down events or outings because to go to them would mean missing out on precious sleep time?
Are you super excited for when your husband comes home from work because it means he can watch the babies while you sleep?
If you answered yes to any of these questions you probably are obsessed with sleep ( like I am). Usually we are only obsessed with sleep when we are chronically sleep deprived. It can be a tough time of life..but what’s important is to enjoy the good moments, capture them on your camera and in your heart (since you probably won’t remember much in this state of mind), because some day all too soon this stage will be over and you’ll miss it. Maybe not the sleep deprived part but the other parts. So find some joy in each day and give lots of hugs and kisses!
[…] this is why I’m so obsessed with sleeping and napping and getting my babies to sleep well at night and have good naps during the day. I was […]